Orelda Bold & Crispy as low as $.92
We have a great Orelda coupon that goes well with our current Kroger Mega Sale and you can get the Bold & Crispy Orelda variety for just...
Nutella ONLY $.87 after Mega Sale and Coupon
Is time to stock up on this baby. Who doesn't love Nutella, right? Nutella is part of our current Kroger Mega Sale where you buy 6...
Kroger Mega Sale Beverage Deals
This are all the Mega Sale Beverage Inclusions: Welch's Esentials or Farmer's Pick $1.99 (wyb 6 participating items thru 2/24) If you...
Kroger Mega Sale Laundry Aisle Deals
There are not that many inclusions but we got ones we got a pretty good! Clorox $1.49 (wyb 6 participating items) $1.00/2 Clorox Spanish...
Kroger Mega Sale Spam as low as $1.64
If you are one of those Spam Fanatics here is a deal you don't want to miss. Spam is on Mega Sale for $2.14 (when you buy 6 participating...
Cheap Kraft Cheese with mega sale discount and coupon
Kraft Natural Shredded or Block Cheese are included in the Kroger Mega Sale (must buy 6 particiapting items) for $1.99 and we have a few...
New Daytona Kroger Mega Sale starting Feb 11-24
Yes you read right, we have another Kroger Mega Sale coming our way next week. I'm telling you Kroger is on fire. On this Mega Sale you...
Kroger Mega Sale Kleenex Deal
Kleenex are inluded in the Mega Sale and they are also producing a Catalaina so here are 2 scenarios in case you are running low on this...
Kroger Mega DiGiorno Pizza Deal
I gotta say that before I started couponing the idea of buying frozen pizza was out of the question. When the first deal on DiGiorno came...
Kroger Mega Sale Cheap Soda and Pringles
Here is another deal you have to do, specially if you have a party, Super Bowl gatering or any other event coming up. As I previuosly...