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My Favorite Sellers Bros Deals Week 12/10

Sellers Bros doubles and triples only 1 like coupon per transaction for a location close to you click HERE


Blue Bell Ice-cream $3.99 half a gal (Limit 2 with an additional $10 purchase)

Use $1.00/1 Bliue Bell HERE

Final Cost $2.99

Shoulder Butts (Sold in 2-pks, great for Tamales) $1.39/lb

Chicken Drumsticks Family pk $.59/lb

Large Mexican Haas Avocado $.69 ea

Maradol Papaya $.50/lb


Libby’s Vegetables 10 for $5.00 Use $1.00/4 Libby’s Vegetables RP 11/16 Final Cost $.25 ea when you buy in multiples of 4

Libby’s Canned Fruit $.99 Use $1.00/3 Libby’s Canned Fruit RP 11/16 Final Cost $.65 ea when you buy 3

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Mrs. Baird’s Honey Wheat Bread 2 for $3.00

Use $.55/1 Mrs Bairds Facebook Coupon HERE (you can print it only on THURSDAY) Final Cost $.95

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