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FREE Vaccinations on Feb 12

If you kiddos are missing any vaccinations now is the time to get them up to date . The Children's Museum of Houston will be offering FREE Vaccinations and FREE Flu Shots to Children who are between 6 months to 18 years of age on Thursday Feb 12 from 5-7 pm and every second Thursday of the month through May (limited to the first 150 kids). No appoinment of registration needed. While there stick around since it's FREE admision night until 8pm.

If you can't make it this Thursday here are the next dates where tehy will be offering the FREE Shots:

2015 FREE Vaccinations every second Thursday of the month:

  • March 5 (First Thursday of the month)

  • April 9

  • May 14

The Texas Children's Mobile Clinic will be administering the shots, don't forget to bring your kids immunization record.

The Children's Museum of Houston is located at: 1500 Binz Street, Houston, TX 77004

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