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My Favorite Sellers Bros. Deals week of 3/18 - 3/24

If you haven't shop at Sellers Bros here are a few things you need to know:

  • Sellers Bros accepts Manufacturer's Coupons and Printable Coupons

  • Sellers Bros. will double coupons valued at 50 cents and lower unless otherwise specified on the coupon by the manufacturer. For multiple coupons like items, we will double the first coupon and redeem all others at face value (some stores don't allow back to back transactions so ask your store manager)

  • There are 12 locations around the Houston area for a location near you click HERE

  • You can check out their Coupon Policy HERE

Pork Picnic Cushion Meat $1.29/lb

Hass Avocados 5 for $1.00

Large Roma Tomatoes 2 lbs for $1.00

Yellow Onions 3 lbs for $1.00

Poblano Peppers $.99/lb

Juicy Key Limes 25 for $1.00

Sweet Red Mangos $.88/1

Jalapeño Peppers 2 lbs for $1.00

Old Ochard Apple Juice $.99 (Limit 2 per family with an additional $10 purchase)

Parade Rice 3-lb bag $.99 (Limit 3 per family with an additional $10 purchase)

Mrs Baird's Honey Wheat Bread 2 for $3.00 Use $.55/1 Mrs Bairds coupon HERE

Wesson Canola, Corn or Vegetable Oil 48 oz $2.18

Libby's Fruit 15-20 oz Pineapple, Tropical fruit or Tropical Mango $.99

Use $1.00/3 Libby's Fruit HERE

Pillsbury Cake Mix $.88

Use $1.00/2 Pillsbury Tear Pad

Palmolive 28 oz $1.77

Use $.50/1 Palmolive SS 3/22

Final Cost $.77 after coupon doubles

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